A simple post-vaccination joy

Lunch with friends – a simple act, normally, but today’s lunch was a joyous occasion. I drove south, they drove north from Cape Cod and we met for lunch! We sat inside a restaurant, all vaccinated, and  all so happy to see one another after months of separation that the conversation never stopped. It was the first time any of the four of us had gone into a restaurant and sat down to eat with friends. And it was marvelous.

We tended to take so much for granted prior to the pandemic, Now, we cherish simple things. It’s not just having lunch with friends, but so many “normal” activities, that circumstances have denied us this past year,. which become extraordinary when new circumstances permit us to enjoy them once again.

This pandemic has given us all new perspectives, new appreciations which hopefully will carry over into the days ahead.

And greeting friends with a hug! That was the best of all!

See also  A Beautiful Easter Day!