A Beautiful Easter Day!

The sun is shinning and although it’s a bit cool, it’s a beautiful Easter Day. This morning I drove to Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA to put a lovely big pot of “citrus” pansies (yellow, orange and white) on Alfred’s grave. I added about a dozen pussy willow stalks to it so it really looked spiffy!  I then drove through the cemetery (Mount Auburn is the country’s oldest garden cemetery) looking at the plantings as I’m going to have small bushes planted on either side of the stone marker. Have decided on dwarf red twig dogwoods as the red twigs will provide color against the snow in the winter.. The  Director of Horticulture told me they would be extending the shrub hedge behind the grave and I get to pick out which shrubs! I pay for the shrubs and they do the planting and maintenance. Sounds like a good deal to me!

I then splurged and went out for a late br4eakfast – poached eggs over crab cakes and English muffins topped with Hollandaise sauce! VERY calorific, but as I’ve lost 20 pounds I decided I could treat myself today! Wouldn’t you agree?

Stopped by the local nursery and bought a second baffle for one of my pole bird feeders as the squirrels and raccoons are going right over the existing baffle! Also bought a very cute ground-level bird bath with two cement birds attached. I think some of the ground-feeding birds will like that. I thought about planting pansies around it but frankly so many plants are popping out of the garden now I don’t know what is going to come up where!  Read the paper while watching the Blue Birds coming to the meal worm feeder. Will put out grape jelly once the Orioles and Catbirds return.

See also  Every Woman Should Have a "She Shed!"

Talked to two members of my family in Minnesota and had an email exchange with another, so all in all, a lovely day.

Looking forward to puttering in the garden this week as no rain is forecasted, In fact, my two new yews are saying “We need a drink” as we’ve had very little rain this year so far and we didn’t get a lot of snow. Now if I’d just start to see some migrating birds return, it would really feel like spring was here!

Oh, and tomorrow, an update on my “she shed!”